The Benefits of Living Close to Work

The Benefits of Living Close to Work

Alcove Team | 4/24/24
Workplace proximity has gained significant relevance in the contemporary world, where speed of life is the supreme factor. Your location may determine your industry, be it a healthcare professional, a business executive, or any other line of work. The advantages of proximity to your work, however, are not limited to mere convenience. The next few paragraphs will be devoted to unraveling the pride of place concept by intertwining the personal experiences of professionals who approached following affordability of proximity through platforms like Alcove. 
Roommate Chore Chart: How to Split Chores

Roommate Chore Chart: How to Split Chores

Alcove Team | 4/17/24
Sharing a living room with roommates might be rewarding. Nevertheless, it rarely goes without certain difficulties. The toughest part of sharing the household chores with the roommate is finding a unified solution to this problem. Cleaning is not fun, but it is one of the fundamental chores that guarantees a safe and fresh living space. That's where the roommate chore chart will serve you as a guide.
Exploring the Big Peach: Atlanta

Exploring the Big Peach: Atlanta

Alcove Team | 4/17/24
Atlanta, Georgia, informally now "The Big Peach," invites for its multicultural culture, irreplaceable past, and tons of prospects. Arguing that the Southeast's metropolis can be easily merged with the legendary southern hospitality with urbane fitness, Atlanta becomes the unrivaled mosaic of experiences that fit locals and tourists.
How The Short Term Rental Market Is Shaping The Future Of Renting

How The Short Term Rental Market Is Shaping The Future Of Renting

Alcove Team | 4/10/24
The rental housing landscape is undergoing an intensive transmutation led by society and technological change. Remote work and flexible working requirements have kicked off the entry of the short-term rental market, which is a crucial component of the transformation of the current rental model.
Why Coliving Should Be Part of Your Portfolio

Why Coliving Should Be Part of Your Portfolio

Alcove Team | 4/8/24
As the real estate investment business undergoes continuous upheavals, staying abreast of the latest housing trends is paramount to capitalizing on gains. Among many novelties that have been rightly picking up energy lately is coliving. The co-living model is a category that is gaining momentum owing to its flexible nature and social-centric structure; hence, property managers and landlords can take a stance on this niche market and diversify their property portfolios.
7 Essential Tips on Making Friends as a Roommate

7 Essential Tips on Making Friends as a Roommate

Alcove Team | 4/3/24
Loneliness can cast a shadow even in the busiest spaces. For many, college or moving away from home for the first time can mean a reunion with loneliness rather than the freedom they expect. But it doesn't have to be that way. The accidental companionship of a random roommate is a unique opportunity to break out of your shell and create meaningful relationships. In this guide, we'll explore the ins and outs of building a friendship with the person you share four walls with.