Shared Housing

Celebrating Pride - LGBTQ+ Community & Alcove Shared Living

Alcove Team · 6/28/24

Celebrating Pride - LGBTQ+ Community & Alcove Shared Living

Alcove is celebrating Pride Month this June and sheds light on the importance of housing discrimination for the LGBTQ+ community.

Celebrating Pride Month With Alcove Shared Living

It’s time to celebrate Pride Month equality with colorful parades, awareness, and recognition of how far the LGBTQ+ community has come and how far we still need to go in creating inclusive spaces for us all.

At Alcove, we support the LGBTQ+ community in finding safe, comfortable, and inclusive living spaces where you can feel at home. All our shared accommodations offer respectful, welcoming, and safe communities, plus provide ongoing roommate support during all of our leasing periods.

The Issues Of Housing Safety For The LGBTQ+ Community

Many people are starting to raise awareness about the inequality of the LGBTQ+ community in the workplace, but situations such as housing often go unnoticed. Studies have shown that LGBTQ+ peers are twice as likely to be homeless than non-LGBTQ+ peers, even more so if they are multi-racial or black. ¹

This arises from many issues, such as stigmatization, fear, and discrimination from roommates or potential roommates.

Even though some anti-discrimination laws protect the LGTBQ+ community when it comes to housing, studies have still shown that housing providers are less likely to make appointments with gay male couples and often quote higher rental rates. ²

In a further study, it was shown that when gay male couples responded to rental ads online, they got fewer responses to their inquiries; interestingly, this was higher in areas that had anti-discrimination housing laws, ironic right? ³

Microaggressions from neighbors can also be a problem; support from your landlord and roommates are important parts of an LGTBQ+ community-friendly household.

One of the advantages of renting with Alcove is that our prices are all upfront, and we handle all the rental issues, making less room for discrimination.

Joining A Supportive Co-living Community

For someone who is part of the LGBTQ+ community, we completely understand why co-living can sometimes be a tricky situation. However, if you choose the right community, co-living can be an amazing experience.

It simply means you have your private room but share the common spaces with the rest of your roommates. That’s why at Alcove, we allow you to see and connect with all the roommates currently living at the rental home before you sign any lease to make sure you are comfortable with your community before making any commitments.

Supporting Pride Month & The LGBTQ+ Community With Alcove Rooms

Alcove rooms is more than just a leasing platform; we value all tenant's safety and comfortability with their roommates as a priority. Pride month is about celebrating equality and inclusion, and no one should be made to feel they can’t have a home.

This is why at Alcove, we allow our LGBTQ+ members to easily find gay-positive roommates and landlords through our online tools; all our landlords and roommates are verified too. We take feedback from previous tenants very seriously and don’t allow discrimination.

These are just some of the benefits you can get by renting with Alcove.

  • Affordability - Alcove is 50% cheaper than renting a studio apartment.

  • Payment reliability - No paying for your other roommate, Alcove ensures each individual is responsible for their rent payment.

  • Community - Make new friends and attend Alcoves community events.

  • Choice - Choose your lease time and see an upfront price.

  • Convenience - All our rent is inclusive and can be booked and paid for online.

The Future Of The LGBTQ+ Community Shared Housing

For the future, we strive to make sure the LGBTQ+ community has equal access to accommodations the same way everyone else has. Community is at the heart of why we created Alcove.

So, what are you waiting for? Find your dream LGBTQ+community friendly home today and meet supportive, like-minded roommates with our Alcove room rentals today.

Feel free to shoot us a message if you have any concerns over renting an Alcove Room and want professional help; we are always happy to hear from you. Happy celebrating Pride Month!