Shared Housing

9 Pet Friendly Indoor Plants

Taylor Fisher · 1/21/21

9 Pet Friendly Indoor Plants

Are you a pet owner looking to add some natural decor to your home? Houseplants are all the rage right now and can add a lot of color and texture to any room in your home. But not all indoor plants are safe for your furry friends. Pets, whether a dog, cat or another type of animal, truly become part of our families. The last thing we want is to make our adorable pet sick, especially if we could've prevented it in the first place.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of indoor plants are toxic to animals. When they eat or chew poisonous plants it can cause serious health concerns, not to mention create costly vet bills. But that doesn't mean you can't have a Pinterest-worthy home full of vibrant greenery.

Here are 9 indoor plants you can buy today, knowing they are non-toxic and safe for your furry friends.

1. Gloxinia 

Gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa) is an indoor plant that produces large pink-colored flowers, similar to the bell-shaped flowers of an African Violet. These aesthetically pleasing plants make for a beautiful centerpiece at any table or even on a sill near a shadier window.

Although Gloxinias are easy to manage and will regrow after flowering, most people discard them after their first bloom as they never regain their robust color. Indirect light and moist soil are pretty much the only requirements to keep this plant healthy. And don't worry, these colorful plants are safe for pets if they happen to get their paws on it.

Light- Place in a well-lit room, but not directly in front of a bright window.
Water- Keep soil moist and don't let it dry out

Where to Buy:

2. Basil

Basil is not only great for your indoor decor, but is a delicious herb that is safe for your pets to eat.

Known in the scientific community as Ocimum Basilicum, these luscious plants look beautiful on shelves or sitting near windows. Not only is Basil safe for your pets to costume, but is actually healthy for them to eat in small quantities. This vibrant green plant contains many antioxidants, which are very beneficial for a dog's metabolism and reduces the risk of many deadly diseases such as cancer. As long as you do not overwater these plants, and provide them with a moderate dose of sunlight, they will easily thrive in your home.

Light- bight light; place near a sunny window
Water- Keep soil moist, but not soaking wet

Where to Buy:

3. Boston Fern

Boston ferns are pet-friendly and easy to care for.

Boston ferns are another viable option if you are looking for safe, pet-friendly indoor plants. Cats love to chew these plants and are entirely harmless to your furry friends. These popular houseplants have lush arching fronds that will give any room a burst of green color. The Boston fern is easy to care for and can be placed just about anywhere from a pedestal to a window sill, or even a hanging basket. For best care, simply keep the soil moist and the plant away from bright windows. Soon enough you'll have a beautiful plant that your cats and dogs can enjoy too.

Light- Indirect light and away from bright windows
Water- Keep soil moist and never let it dry out. We recommend a self-watering pot to help prevent it from getting mold while keeping it well hydrated.

Where to Buy:
Lowes Home Improvement

4. Polka Dot Plant

Polka Dot plants have a unique coloring that will add texture to your pet-friendly home.

Hypoestes phyllostachya, the polka dot plant, is a dark-colored plant with numerous spots on its leaves. These elegant plants grow about 10 inches tall and display unique pink leaves with green spots all over them. The various colors on the leaves create a stunning and intricate mosaic that stands out against other foliage. Although these plants are non-toxic and safe for pets, if they are consumed in large amounts they can cause stomach upset in your cat or dog.

Polka dot plants are relatively easy to grow in the presence of bright, indirect sunlight. You will need to water these plants when the soil slightly dries out, but never let it completely dry out as the plant will turn brown and wilt.

Light- Bright, indirect light
Water- Let the soil slightly dry out. Stick a finger in the soil and if the top 1/4 inch is dry, then it's time to water again.

Where to Buy:

5. African Violet

The African Violet is a beautiful flowering plant and is safe for your cats and dogs.

The African Violet is a well-known indoor plant due to its unforgettable violet-colored flowers. Although these plants are Native to East Africa, they are widely used as indoor decoration throughout the world.

For optimum growth, they require bright light, so it's best to place your African Violet close to a sunny window. If that's not possible you can always supplement with fluorescent light. Be sure to water this plant with lukewarm water (yes, it's a little bit picky) at its base when the soil feels less moist, but not dry.

Once you learn how to give your African Violet the right amount of love, water, and light, they will thank you with flowers all year round. Your pets will thank you too because if they happen to get a hold of your new plant, it won't bother their stomachs not matter how much they ingest.

Light- Bright, indirect light
Water- Twice a week with lukewarm water (avoid getting water on the petals as this will cause them to lose their color)

Where to Buy:

6. Baby Tears 

Baby Tears is a lovely plant that is non-toxic to your furry friends.

Soleirolia soleirolii, commonly known as baby tears, is also the right choice if you are looking for pet-friendly plants. This eye-catching plant grows thousands of tiny green leaves, which form into a dense mat. Baby tears are low-maintenance and great for beginners. They easily thrive under artificial light anywhere in your house but will quickly wilt if you don't keep their soil moist. If you are looking for a stunning plant to place in your kitchen or bathroom, baby tears will thrive in those steamier environments and require a little less attention from you on a daily basis.

Light- Medium-light, artificial light is enough for this plant to thrive
Water- Keep soil moist, but not soggy. Never let the soil dry out.

Where to Buy:

7. Orchid

Orchids are gorgeous flowers that will fill a room with a pleasant scent.

The Orchid is not a single plant, but rather a family of diverse flowering plants known as Orchidaceae. Their dazzling colors, coupled with intricate patterns on leaves, are a sight to behold. Not only are they visually captivating, but have a pleasant aroma, which is undoubtedly a bonus. In terms of care, they don't need as much water as you may think. Whenever you think you need to water your orchid wait 3 days to a week before actually doing it. Additionally, try to keep them on a bright windowsill to ensure appropriate exposure to sunlight. Although these plants attract cats and dogs due to their fragrance and bright colors, they do not pose any danger, even if ingested.

Light- Position on a bright window sill
Water- Give it some water if the soil feels dry, but if it's moist wait a few days and check again.

Where to Buy:
The Sill

8. Spider Plant

Spider plants are hardy and perfect for new plant owners.

The spider plant is another perennial flowering plant species. These plants have strap-shaped leaves arising from a common point, creating a spider-like shape. It is one of the most manageable and low-maintenance indoor plants out there, making it great for beginners. Bright light, regular watering, and moderate temperature are favorable conditions for its growth, however, it can adapt and grow in nearly every condition. You can place your spider plant on a stand, at your desk, or even in a pot on the floor, and feel rest assured that it's safe for your cats and dogs.

Light- Undemanding, but prefers bright light.
Water- Let the soil dry out before watering

Where to Buy:

9. Money Tree

The Money Tree is a larger houseplant that will bring a tropical vibe to any room.

Pachira Aquatica, commonly known as the Money tree, thrives indoors with minimal effort These plants are a popular choice amongst plant owners because of their resilience and ease of growth. Ideally, they require moderate, filtered light coupled with fertilized and soft soil, but they do just fine in a corner of your office with a good watering whenever the soil gets dry.

Money Trees give a tropical feel to any room of your home with their fun braided trunk and shiny green leaves. Sadly this plant doesn't actually grow money, but the good news is they are safe for your pets if they decide to take a nibble.

Light- Does well in medium light, or under florescent lights
Water- Let the soil dry out between waterings, but when you do water let some run out the drainage hole.

Where to Buy:
The Sill

Plants are a fun and beautiful way to liven your living space. Choose from any of these pet-friendly plants and soon enough you'll have a home full of thriving greenery. Even if you live with roommates, these indoor plants will provide a fresh atmosphere with Pinterest perfect looks that everyone will enjoy, even your furry friends.