
7 Essential Tips on Making Friends as a Roommate

Alcove Team · 4/3/24

7 Essential Tips on Making Friends as a Roommate

Loneliness can cast a shadow even in the busiest spaces. For many, college or moving away from home for the first time can mean a reunion with loneliness rather than the freedom they expect. But it doesn't have to be that way.

The accidental companionship of a random roommate is a unique opportunity to break out of your shell and create meaningful relationships. In this guide, we'll explore the ins and outs of building a friendship with the person you share four walls with.

The Importance of Roommate Friendships

Roommates share our space, our time, and sometimes, our not-so-glamorous moments. Yet, in this daily togetherness, there is an underutilized potential: friendship. A friendly roommate is someone who can make apartment living feel like a warm, haven rather than a mere convenience.

Imagine returning from a hectic day and not just pouring your heart out to an empathetic ear but also being greeted with a knowing smile. It’s that sense of belonging, however whimsical it sounds, that can transform a living arrangement into a space where you can truly thrive.

1. Understanding Your Roommate's Personality

The foundation of any friendship is understanding. Personality traits such as introversion or extroversion, neatness or a lack of it, early bird or night owl can clash or complement, setting the stage for harmonious coexistence or continuous tension.

Start with observation. Are they talkative or more reserved? Do they like to cook or order takeout every night? The goal is not to peg them into boxes but to open your eyes to their preferences and behaviors. The more you know about your roommate, the better you can adapt your behavior to nurture a harmonious environment.

2. Finding Common Ground

Bonding over shared interests is a classic friendship enabler. It's a gateway to an unspoken understanding and a source of companionship. Perhaps you both enjoy gaming, have a favorite TV show, or share a passion for the same football team.

To discover common ground, start with gentle inquiries. "What do you like to do in your free time?" or "Have you seen any good movies lately?" The key is to show genuine interest and be open to exploring new activities. 

Be it starting a weekly book club or simply sharing a DIY project, finding something you both enjoy can create a vibrant common thread in your relationship.

3. Open Communication: Setting Boundaries and Expectations

The unsaid agreements and disappointments of roommates can be swiftly resolved with open communication. Establishing boundaries and setting clear expectations is like drawing up a roommate contract but with less jargon and more heart.

Discuss things like quiet hours, cleaning schedules, and privacy. This is your chance to be assertive about your needs without compromising the opportunity for your roommate to do the same. The more both of you understand each other's non-negotiables, the less conflict you’ll have down the line.

4. Socializing Together

Shared experiences bond people. They create memories and in-jokes. A fun way to bond is by creating shared experiences in your shared space. Planning a movie night or weekend brunch can bring a sense of community under your household’s roof.

Don't worry too much about the size of the gathering; sometimes, it's more intimate events that foster the deepest connections. These occasions can become a regular fixture, eagerly anticipated and fondly remembered. 

They can range from themed dinner nights to casual hangouts with friends. The very process of planning and executing these events can strengthen the bond between you and your roommate.

5. Hosting and Attending Social Events

Hosting social events is a social skill worth mastering. It gives you a chance to showcase your hospitality, and more importantly, it gives you control over a space where you might feel vulnerable or out of place. If hosting isn't for you, don't fret; being a gracious guest is just as important and can help you establish connections outside your comfort zone.

Attending a party or even just a game night that your roommate has organized is more than just a social nicety; it's a demonstration of your willingness to partake in each other’s lives. These social outings can snowball into opportunities for you to make friends as a duo rather than as solo acts.

6. Navigating Roommate Conflicts

No friendship is without its ups and downs, and the friendship with your roommate is no exception. When conflicts arise, it's crucial to tackle them with a level head and an open heart. This means listening to their perspective without interrupting, expressing your feelings without blaming, and working together to find a reasonable solution.

Remember, the goal is not to be right but to be fair and considerate of each other’s feelings. Learning to resolve conflicts respectfully is a vital skill that will serve you well in all areas of life.

7. Roommate Beyond the Walls

Sometimes, the best way to forge a friendship with your roommate is to see them as more than just someone who shares a space with you. Take interest in their dreams, struggles, and triumphs. Celebrate their victories and lend an ear during their defeats. By acknowledging the person behind the name on your lease, you're opening up the opportunity for authentic, lasting friendship.

Remember, roommates occupy a unique space in the world of friendships. They are part of our everyday lives, informed by our daily routines and habits. This closeness, when nurtured, can bloom into an incredibly enriching and supportive relationship.


Making friends as a roommate is more than a convenience; it’s a chance to form a relationship with someone you might not have crossed paths with otherwise. 

Now, imagine having a roommate who becomes more than just that; a close friend, a soul mate, a partner in crime. It all starts with taking those first steps to connect. They create the ideal living environment for you to establish friendships while still offering the privacy of a lease with a private bedroom in a single-family home.

Follow these guidelines, be patient, and be open to the experiences that come your way. The friends you make might just be waiting on the other side of that bedroom door. And when you're ready to expand your horizons beyond your shared walls, remember Alcove Rooms.